Epsg 4326 degrees to meters. WGS84_UTM(30, true) since it covered required country, but this will be inaccurate if point is outside the zone? I thought WebMercator is something. Epsg 4326 degrees to meters

WGS84_UTM(30, true) since it covered required country, but this will be inaccurate if point is outside the zone? I thought WebMercator is somethingEpsg 4326 degrees to meters  Some examples of geographic coordinate reference systems: WGS84 (EPSG:4326), NAD83 (EPSG:4269), and NAD83(2011) (EPSG:6318), ETRS89 (EPSG:4258)

10 20 0 10 20 26. Save them to coords. 1 I have some Tanzania drone imagery data in a local geographic. is_geographic # False crs4326. I don't know, only you will know which actual Coordinate reference systems you have, and want to convert into, but EPSG:4326 is a degrees latitude/longitude CRS so you should expect the first value to be +/- 90 and second value +/-180, and your values 6133089. Is there any solution to change the unit from degrees to meters for a global map? I'd be thankful for your help. Questions tagged [wgs84] WGS 84 (that spelling) is the name of an ellipsoid (EPSG::7030), the name of a geodetic coordinate reference system (EPSG::4326), and the alias of a datum (EPSG::6326), official name World Geodetic System 1984. 6. Truncated form of Beijing 1954 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 39 (code 2415). All points are stored with SRID=4326. Truncated form of Pulkovo 1995 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 34 (code 2668). South Africa - mainland onshore. To see if everything works as expected I printed the length of two test linestrings. 500 m ÷ 111120 = 0. Raster reprojection involves creating a new raster object, often. You have to use a projected coordinate system that uses meters (like Lambert 93 for france or UTM for USA) to have coordinates in meters and calculations in meters. For example, if I have an SF data frame that uses the WGS84 co-ordinate reference system (EPSG:4326), I would like to be able to determine that the co-ordinates are specified in decimal degrees. Cadastre, engineering survey, topographic mapping (large scale). The following example converts the station coordinates of two German stations to the regionally used Gauß-Krüger system. Only on top of the Equator one degree is as long in both directions. Replaced by Xian 1980 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 75E (code 2370). After googling I know that degrees is my unit. 00045 x 0. Insert the long/lat coordinates into the ST_Length example. Extra care is. What you can do (besides using geography type) is projecting your data into the "better" CRS than EPSG:4326 (i. I suggest to use EPSG:25832 ETRS89 / UTM zone 32N, because the Gauss-Krueger DHDN CRS zones are based on the old bessel ellipsoid, and you have to apply a datum shift that is not constant over the whole of Germany. Transforms coordinates of object to new projection. Mexico. To use this rule in other regions, you have find the distance corresponding to 1 degree of latitude and longitude and adapt the previous computation. The elevation data is in the coordinate system EPSG:4326. EPSG:2633 Projected coordinate system for Russian Federation - onshore between 169°30'E and 172°30'E. UoM: m. Sep 26, 2022 at 16:33. 345' S becomes here -10° 1' 2. 4 strings. To calculate this distance the vertex coordinates themselves are not needed, just two orthogonal sides (0. But unfortunately, the resulting files do not match the output visualized in the Panoply software. Transform your coordinates online easily with epsg. CRS. 63 degrees N and one degree in meters is not as long along the latitude than along the longitude. EPSG:9354 Projected coordinate system for Southern hemisphere - south of 50°S onshore and offshore, including Antarctica. 06) Lon(253457. ). Find a coordinate system and get position on a map. Replaces Pulkovo 1942(58) / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 5 (CRS code 3838). But how do I directly pass meters as 3rd parameter. geotools. Spread the love. Print the first two rows. First you need to reproject the GeoDataFrame to a different CRS which units is either meter or feet, and then measure the area using areaattribute. . 06°S and 85. Replaced by Xian 1980 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 38 (code 2362). io Transform coordinates Online converter for lat & long coordinates, geodetic datums and projected systemsA four page cheat sheet about coordinate reference systems (CRSs), including projections, datums, and coordinate systems, and the use of these in R. 4 strings. This chapter builds on that knowledge and goes further. which is ~EPSG:54001, except that units are not meters but degrees. 384 km, it will only create a grid square size of 10 km. The original view (EPSG:3857) was following: After changing to CRS to. If you use the --use-spatialreference or --sr the command will look up the missing projection from spatialreference. projOut = pyproj. polar coordinates on an ellipsoid), and Euclidean distances between those don't make much sense. 970769, 37. for my project I used ProjectedCoordinateSystem. EPSG:6425 Projected coordinate system for United States (USA) - California - counties Imperial; Orange; Riverside; San Diego. EPSG:20935 Projected coordinate system for Botswana - east of 24°E; Zambia - between 24°E and 30°E; Zimbabwe - west of 30°E . The current version, WGS 84, defines an Earth-centered, Earth-fixed coordinate system and a geodetic datum, and also describes the associated Earth Gravitational Model (EGM) and World Magnetic Model (WMM). Porting any of those code fragments to. The results are aligned with GIS data from. 32 to covert to km). Transforms coordinates of object to new projection. You have to provide the parameters explicitly, as shown here. Cadastre, engineering survey,. Scope: Cadastre, engineering survey, topographic mapping (large and medium scale). Changing the projection of the map to EPSG:4326 and then saving the layer as CSV worked. Reproject Map. World Mercator is 3395 and web Mercator is 3857 – Michael Delgado. Even geocentric coordinates (e. g. 4 introduced coordinate reference systems (CRSs), with a focus on the two major types: geographic (‘lon/lat’, with units in degrees longitude and latitude) and projected (typically with units of meters from a datum) coordinate systems. decode("EPSG:4326"); The example above assumes you have gt-epsg-hsql jar on your CLASSPATH. 4326 - EPSG:2158 -. The most commonly used coordinate systems are the WGS 84 Long Lat (SRID=4326) spherical coordinate system and the Mercator (EPSG:3785) projected coordinate system. @wflwo You set celldf. Now, let's look at the geometry and geography types. 808183, 37. Although the projection is closely associated with Google, Microsoft is listed as the "information source" in EPSG's standards. EPSG:2413 Projected coordinate system for China - onshore between 109°30'E and 112°30'E. “EPSG Geodetic Parameter Dataset is a collection of definitions of coordinate reference systems and coordinate transformations which may be global, regional, national or local in application”. Spatial referencing. EPSG:4326 and IGNF:WGS84G It looks like both of them do not fit because of the map distorted in both cases. 2768485) B) Lat(6250962. Once you find the page associated with your CRS of interest you can then look at all of the various formats associated with that CRS: EPSG 4326 - WGS84 geographic. the bounds. A slight confusion might come out of the fact that both 4326 and 3857 are in degrees, so the "right & proper" approach should in theory be: streets_import %>% st. I would use geopandas for this, as it has a convenient . . Powered by EPSG database 10. From what I understand about EPSG:4326 this is correct, too. I want to know the pixel size of my raster. EPSG:3414 Projected coordinate system for Singapore - onshore and offshore. Then I made a buffer, but I can't transform the buffer back to to degrees. 32 to covert to km). Cadastre, engineering survey, topographic mapping (large scale). 2m offset of NAD83 from the geocentre, the low accuracy of the WGS 84 ensemble and the application of tectonic plate motion to WGS 84 data. This roughly corresponds to 90 meter pixels. 4336819°, 4. To avoid terminological confusion: the named "WGS84" is a CRS (coordinate reference system), so synonyms and human-readable abbreviation for urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326. For mapping at 1:25,000 scale and smaller use WGS 84 / UTM (CRS codes 4037-38). g. 34 20037508. Then the target SRS, and the destination and source filenames. (WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator, units = meters) to EPSG:4326 (WGS 84 / geographic, units = degrees) For example, here is the coordinates from your screenshot transformed from EPSG:4326. import geopandas as gpd import shapely. EPSG:2422 Projected coordinate system for China - west of 76°30'E. But how do I directly pass meters as 3rd parameter. crs import from_epsg,from_string,to_string # Import crs from different formats: wgs = from_epsg(4326) wgs =. Somalia. May 20, 2013 at 20:53. get the area in square meters of a polygon using shapely and pyproj. WGS84 (EPSG: 4326) ## Commonly used by organizations that provide GIS data for the entire globe or many countries. Here is my code, if you interested. Also found with truncated false easting - see Pulkovo 1942 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 30E (code 2585). 704"N with Nf = 165372. Method: Position Vector transformation (geog2D domain) Remarks: Transformation defines QND95. Reproject your data back into source CS (EPSG:4326). I want to change the axis into decimal degrees. Also it is not well suited to show a map of a 3-D earth on a 2-D map. ops import transform. By default, QGIS starts each new project using a global default projection. It looks like this: +init=epsg:4121 +proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80 +datum=GGRS87. EPSG:4326 is in degrees - 3D sphere; EPSG:3857 is in metres - 2D projection; If I say Paris is: A) Lat(48. It doesn't have to be exactly 1km, just that order of magnitude. EPSG:4326 Geodetic coordinate system for World. For example, one of the most commonly used CRS is the WGS84 latitude-longitude projection. DESC_NM: World. 000000197720465,-0. Replaced by Xian 1980 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 84E (code 2373). Orientations: north, east. And this is the query : > select * from theuser where ST_DWithin (point , ST_GeomFromText ('POINT (120. To do this conversion programmatically, other SO questions will help. Replaced by Xian 1980 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 38 (code 2362). Topographic mapping (small scale). Not sure if this is part of the issue, but EPSG:4326 is WGS84 (lat/lons on a geoid) and is NOT Mercator. WGS84 is a geographical coordinate systems, its measures are in degrees of an ellipsoid. Federal definition is metric -. epsg:4326. 0. Along the way, we’ll discuss the code and you can find the full project on GitHub. A more precise definition of the problem is this. (1) Change the coord sys of the map window to the scheme that drives your updating. (meters, feet). EPSG:31467 Projected coordinate system for Germany - former West Germany onshore between 7°30'E and 10°30'E - states of Baden-Wurtemberg, Bayern, Bremen, Hamberg, Hessen, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rhineland-Pfalz, Schleswig-Holstein. EPSG:2056 Projected coordinate system for Liechtenstein; Switzerland. Truncated form of Pulkovo 1942 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 26 (code 2542). projOut = pyproj. Calculate geometry in decimal degrees from a point feature. Setting st_crs () of your object does nothing in itself other than that it rectifies the reference system, so that the thirty and fifty in your coordinates are understood as degrees. EPSG:4326 - WGS 84. Problem. – Adriel Gomes Costa. When you are referring to coordinates in a projected CRS, the terminology is eastings (x) and northings (y). Porting any of those code fragments to Objective-C or Swift. EPSG:32616 Projected coordinate system for Between 90°W and 84°W, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. 0 was released March 8th 2019. 076It is said that unit of measure for EPSG:3857 is the metre. For cadastral purposes, replaces Kertau 1968 / Singapore Grid (CRS code 24500) from August 2004. EPSG:4326 Geodetic coordinate system for World. (This is not the same as. from_user_input(): CRS WKT string. When I add the grid layer it doesn't show. Just cast to geography within the buffer request. Hungary - west of 16°30'E. Method: Geocentric translations (geog2D domain) Remarks: For many purposes NAD83(2011) can be considered to be coincident with WGS 84. ‘EPSG:4326’, which has the following alias ‘WGS84’ ‘EPSG:4269’ ‘EPSG:3857’, which has the following aliases ‘EPSG:3785’ ‘GOOGLE’ ‘EPSG:900913’ ‘EPSG:102113’ Defined projections can also be accessed through the proj4. See section Custom Coordinate Reference System for information on managing your custom coordinate reference systems. 504430770874 What operation Proj is using can be checked with projinfo. js I'm trying to convert my shapefile with spTransform(), but it's not successful. “epsg:4326”) An EPSG integer code (i. Türkiye. Notable components of this CRS description include the EPSG code (EPSG: 27700), the projection (transverse Mercator, +proj=tmerc), the origin (+lat_0=49 +lon_0=-2) and units (+units=m). I am quite a bit confused for example if, at least in practice, EPSG:4326 is equivalent to Plate Carrée equirectangular projection. if you are not at the equator (and even if you are, but then the difference can be neglected in most applications), then 1 degree of latitude does not represent the same distance on the surface of the Earth than 1 degree of longitude. Default is cyl . 4326) A pyproj. Please, see screen capture showing the direct GeoPackage layer properties and not from the Layers window. This is easily the most common use for the CRS class: import org. 0, the axis order mandated by the authority defining a CRS is by default honoured by the OGRCoordinateTransformation class, and always exported in WKT1. e. Using 4326, you can get your desired values (40. Using the pulldown menus the steps would be. After researching online and on stack exchange, I came up with a code. Specifically, a square of 0. WGS 84) is not a projection. In QGis you can change the coordinate reference system of your layer to WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) - which it could be already with the data coming from a different source or previous CRS - and then use the field calculator to calculate the geometry that you are looking for (assuming that your fields in meters represent something that can be. I have tried this set of steps several times. 39 20,048,966. Horizontal Coordinates: WGS84 [EPSG: 4326] Vertical Coordinates: WGS84 (EGM96 GEOID) [EPSG: 5171] Units: meter Data Selection Coordinates: Manually enter selection coordinates (in the horizontal coordinate system listed above) X min = Y min = X max = Y max = X min = Y min = X max = Y max = Validate coordinates and estimate area. So I pressed the button:. EPSG:4326 . 459880 ,38. EPSG 4326 is a geographic coordinate system and as such, has decimal degrees as units of length. vector layer: Kml file,Line string CRS: WGS 84, EPSG:4326, is the base file for which buffer zone is to mark. The EPSG:4326 version has pixels which are square in degrees Pixel Size = (0. You can determine the zone by adding 183 degrees to longitude, dividing by 6 and rounding (or adding 186 and truncating after division). EPSG:4258 - ETRS89. The problem is the Esri geometry library uses the units of your projection as the distance, and in the case of EPSG:4326 the units are degrees. A graticule, or more specifically a Geographic Reference System, is a means by which to reference locations on the Earth using a system of angles. 4326 is the EPSG code for WGS 84 lon/lat. Local coordinate systems. I’ve tried several:2. Orientations: west, south. 1 degree of longitude corresponds to 73km. 00045 for each), and the angle between them (which will be 45° here since the sides are equal-length). The WGS84's ellipsoid is EPSG:7030. Some of them are in the EPSG database (mostly those that are used for surveying), and they have an EPSG code number. Get the resolution of the point in degrees or distance units. Mercator projection has an epsg code EPSG:4326. If software cannot handle latitude of origin 90°N, use latitude of origin = 50°47'57. Transform coordinates for position on a map - converting latitude / longitude degrees From MapTiler Team. Setting st_crs () of your object does nothing in itself other than that it rectifies the reference system, so that the thirty and fifty in your coordinates are understood as degrees. 10 20,026,376. Search Map Transform About +-q. You must reproject your data into EPSG:4326 for getting degrees in WGS84. Now you'll need to reproject your data to the proper UTM zone. Crs coordinates are typically labeled x and y; in the case of EPSG:4326 (which is the same as WGS84) coordinates are provided in degrees in the common longitude and latitude definition. No, it is degree, EPSG:4326 is a geographic refrence system. Cadastre, engineering survey, topographic mapping (large scale). Thus, to get the point located. Point(13. -. Note: for preliminary concept visualisation only. EPSG:32615) are specified in metres. It represents Earth as a three. 782683 ). Change the CRS of the DEM layer. I'm trying to reproject a 500m MODIS image into 0. prj of the shapefile all state they are in EPSG 32642, my points keep rendering at 0,0, and coordinates are still in decimal degrees rather than. From the doc I know that res returns the (width, height) of pixels in the units of its coordinate reference system. . csv as a . 956 m. the bounds. Military survey. 15. That doesn't change anything to my. 4326 WGS 84 [ensemble] Geographic 2D 5711 AHD height Vertical 9464 GDA94 + AHD height Compound 9463 GDA2020 + AHD height Compound. Truncated form of Beijing 1954 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 39 (code 2415). e. Zone width 3 degrees. I don't know why it's changing only one axis. io/6933. The coordinates in (SRID) 900913 are easting/northing, and they are in meters. Now i need a distance matrix between stores and customers but the result is in decimal degrees i think. So if you want a 500 meter buffer. It conforms to ISO 19111:2007 1– Spatial referencing by coordinates. 39 20,048,966. 34 -20037508. In this following example we will be computing straight line distances between Penzance and London in PostGIS with different projections to emphasize the importance of choosing wisely. Cadastre, engineering survey, topographic mapping (large scale). So,In mercator projection distance between lat lon points is in degrees, not meters. Convert coordinates from EPSG 4326 to EPSG 28992 in PostGIS. Current CRS is EPSG:3857. Considering that the spatial data spread over at least 10km, it seems that the st_within query calculates the distance between two geometries with a unit (degeree) of EPSG5186. Transformation defines QND95. For the moment I still can't see the map, but it will appear once I will add an appropriate vector layer. Coordinate system Change. Thus, to get the point located 100 meters Eastern to your original point, you can add 73m*1°/80km ~ 0. 4 strings are a compact way to identify a spatial or coordinate reference system. How it can be, if the range of these coordinates is. Sorry for the confusion, I'll edit the post. Change the CRS of the DEM layer. In QGis you can change the coordinate reference system of your layer to WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) - which it could be already with the data coming from a different source or previous CRS - and then use the field calculator to calculate the geometry that you are looking for (assuming that your fields in meters represent something that can be calculated. EPSG:9707 Compound coordinate system for World. I’ve tried several: 2. By default the layer use EPSG:900913 and the coordinates are in meters. , therefore you need to use preserve_units=True. Viewed 1k times 0 I have the following data structure. I used the input EPSG as 3857 and the output EPSG as 4326. So from 10° 1' 2. Area of use: South Africa - east of 32°E. NAD27 (EPSG: 4267) ##Old version of NAD83 Projected (Easting/Northing)Note, I understand that a degree corresponds to a different number of meters, depending on where on earth the imagery or geography is captured. If you're working with data that covers a small area and you need to preserve the shape of the features, then EPSG:3857 might be the right choice. From epsg. EPSG:2398 Projected coordinate system for Czechia - west of 13°30'E. It is thus the application of the abstract mathematics of coordinate systems and analytic geometry to geographic space. 1 > m = cbind(c(0,1,1,0,0),c(0,0,1,1,0)) > p1 = st_sfc(st_polygon(list(m)), crs=4326) > p1e = st_transform. 70, 4941566. 12 9. Therefore you need a projection. divide bu 10**6 if you want m^2. “EPSG Geodetic Parameter Dataset is a collection of definitions of coordinate reference systems and coordinate transformations which may be global, regional, national or local in application”. The adjustment included connections to Greenland and Mexico but the system was not adopted there. it's safer to use the EPSG code or to be sure to have the full. 9982 24. txt file with some x, y coordinates that I assume are in EPSG:25831. Share on T Q. EPSG:2207 Projected coordinate system for Türkiye (Turkey) - between 28°30'E and 31°30'E, onshore. 10. Try using WG8 84 with units in degrees. Calling a Basemap class instance with the arguments lon, lat will convert lon/lat (in degrees) to x/y map projection coordinates (in meters). 15. Cadastre, engineering survey, topographic mapping (large scale). g. Axes: northing, easting (X,Y). For example, if I have an SF data frame that uses the WGS84 co-ordinate reference system (EPSG:4326), I would like to be able to determine that the co-ordinates are specified in decimal degrees. “epsg:4326”) An EPSG integer code (i. I have read that in order to do it, I need to transform EPSG:4326 to EPSG:3857 which uses meters. EPSG:27700 Projected coordinate system for United Kingdom (UK) - offshore to boundary of UKCS within 49°45'N to 61°N and 9°W to 2°E; onshore Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland). 1. Zone width 3 degrees. 8. ETRS89 has no datum shift to EPSG:4326 WGS84 which you can get from GPS receivers, and all official cadastral. An authority string (i. 3047997101815 m. I am using the JTS from vividsolutions. This CRS is useful as a kind of wild card when no CRS were explicitly specified. Transform Get position on a map. Your title says you want to convert from. Cadastre, engineering survey, topographic mapping (large scale). Cadastre, engineering survey, topographic mapping (large scale). Available transformations to EPSG:4326. On the other hand, when you do the same for EPSG:4326 geography, you get result in meters. Canada - Alberta; British Columbia (BC); Northwest Territories (NWT); Nunavut. For example, if I try to set my grid spacing to 16. I was already positively surprised that the result using 4326 was in meters and not in degrees. Data should not be permitted to exceed 3-4 degrees into neighboring zones; if it does, UTM is the wrong projection, and you should use a conic (e. ("EPSG:4326"); var mercator = new OpenLayers. 15. – Rob Raymond. One solution is to use the GEOGRAPHY data type. 4326 is the EPSG code for WGS 84 lon/lat. decode("EPSG:4326"); The example above assumes you have gt-epsg-hsql jar on your CLASSPATH. The longitude values should correspond to different lengths in meters, as one gets more distant from the equator line. You have coordinates measured in decimal degrees in an. 37477m, dZ=+21. if you are not at the equator (and even if you are, but then the difference can be neglected in most applications), then 1 degree of latitude does not represent the same distance on the surface of the Earth than 1 degree of longitude. gdaltransform -s_srs EPSG:4326+5773 -t_srs EPSG:4979 Enter X Y [Z [T]] values separated by space, and press Return. right-click on layer and select Save As. referencing. EPSG:2414 Projected coordinate system for China - onshore between 112°30'E and 115°30'E. Replaced by Xian 1980 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 37 (code 2361). Cadastre, engineering survey, topographic mapping (large scale). While the . EPSG:4326 Geodetic coordinate system for World. Isle of Man onshore. the CRS is EPSG:4269 - NAD83 - Geographic; the unit is in degrees; and I confirmed from a metafile somewhere that the height z axis is in meters; 3. Also found with truncated false easting - see Beijing 1954 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 114E (code 2435). However, this value decreases as you move toward the poles due to the Earth’s curvature. ) from a spatial object in R. EPSG:3395. 7. Is there a way to use degrees right a way without reprojecting them beforehand to meters? var p0 = new OpenLayers. 24081m. The distinction in usage between ETRF89 and ETRS89 is confused: although in principle conceptually different in practice both are. R = 6378137 x = R * longitude y = R * ln(tan(pi/4 + latitude/2)) I'm unable to find corresponding functions for EPSG:3395, the so-called World Mercator projection. (from the same source). 3 m 3 m AGD66 GDA2020 (Step 1of2) AGD66 <EPSG:1803 ‘AGD66 to GDA94 (11)’ (NTv2)> GDA94 (Step 2of2) GDA94 <as above (NTv2-CPD)> GDA2020 0. Projection('EPSG:4326')}, true);For the second method, we create a transformer from a pyproj. EPSG:2726 Projected coordinate system for Russian Federation - onshore between 100°30'E and 103°30'E. 347945557 are not that. Can anybody point to a good reference or a possible Ppython/C/C++/Java library source code for checking the math? ~ Converting latitude, longitude (epsg:4326) into EPSG:3857?A spatial reference system (SRS) or coordinate reference system (CRS) is a framework used to precisely measure locations on the surface of Earth as coordinates. Any formal standard CRS is composed by ellipsoid parametrized model reference + datum reference. I'm currently trying to figure out how vesselfinder. Consequently CRS created with the "EPSG:4326" or "WGS84" strings use the latitude first, longitude second axis order. The adjustment included connections to Greenland and Mexico but the system was not adopted there. Depending on the jars you have on your CLASSPATH a range of authorities are available to define a coordinate. The EPSG Dataset is maintained by the IOGP Geomatics Committee’s Geodesy Subcommittee. EPSG code 4326 that we have here, belongs to the WGS84 coordinate system (i. Engineering survey, topographic mapping. This spatial data has a coordinate reference system (CRS), typically EPGS: 4326 unprojected geographic coordinates, i. WGS 84 - WGS84 - World Geodetic System 1984, used in GPS - EPSG:4326. But the image is from 35. One degree from east to west at the equator is about 110 km, while at the polar circle it is about 38 km. If you want to buffer in meters, you first need to reproject your Polygon and Linestring into a CRS that uses meters. The original imagery is 6cm resolution, and that is in EPSG:32737. 62) I have 50% polygon data in EPSG:25832. Introduced in 2000 as an alternative to CRS code 31300 to avoid the special projection method LCC (2SP Belgium) (code 9803). st_crs ("EPSG:4326") #> Coordinate Reference System: #> User input: EPSG:4326 #> wkt:. CRSIn your case, using SqlGeometry with WGS84 (4326), your units are degrees. 001 to find nearby points. That's why you need to do an spTransform. EPSG:2641 Projected coordinate system for Russian Federation - Kaliningrad - onshore between 19°30'E and 22°30'E. I don't know why it's changing only one axis. , accuracy 6. 408917;37.